Städa som Rut – dag 3
Idag ska vi ta itu med skrotlådan, alltinglådan, skräpsamlaren och svarta
hålet. Den där lådan där man lägger allting som inte har någon plats. En
ofta f...
1 timme sedan
1 kommentar:
Maybe you could try to find Oscillococcinum from Boiron. It always does wonders for me! I know you can find this in Sweden because I had to buy some last year in Stockholm. It's not cheap though!! There are only 6 small tubes in a package and you have to take 3 tubes per day, 2 days in a row. So if you're all feeling miserable you have to buy 3 packages. It's homeopathic so perhaps you have to look for it in a special health store. I hope you will feel better soon!!
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